ThoughtCrafting Friday Tool: Problems vs. Challenges
Jul 28, 2016
Let's face it. Life doesn't go smoothly all the time. Heck, it doesn't even go smoothly most of the time. When it doesn't, it's an obstruction to us achieving what we are attempting to do. The degree of obstruction that it causes for us can be minor...such as something that causes us to take longer to achieve our goal or take more effort to achieve that goal, or it can be a "fatal" obstruction which we perceive as totally blocking us from achieving our intended goal.
These "obstructions" (as I have referred to them up to now intentionally) are more typically called "problems" by most people. A dictionary definition of a "problem" is:
- any question or matter involving doubt, uncertainty, or difficulty.
Hmmm....If you were to use these descriptions for an obstruction that you had in achieving a goal, how would you feel about the potential for overcoming that obstruction? The obstruction that I am trying to overcome involves doubt. Uncertainty. Difficulty. That sounds pretty darn hard to overcome. It sounds like I may not be able to overcome that obstruction. It's demoralizing. Can I even do it? Should I not bother, and just give up?
Yes, there is a lot of power in words. Subconscious power that can dramatically impact your subconscious ability to overcome that obstruction. You may not realize it, but that subconscious impact can result in your not achieving a solution. Not because you don't have the knowledge, resources or ability to overcome the obstruction, when it's called a problem, but because you don't have the willpower or confidence to do it. You are no longer just facing the obstruction that you are presented, you are also having to overcome your internal, subconscious negative momentum. Your subconscious mind is not an ally to your conscious mind. It's not constructively contributing to the effort to overcome the obstruction when you label it as a problem.
Now let's look at the definition of a challenge in this context:
- to arouse or stimulate especially by presenting with difficulties
Go back and look at the definition of problem and then compare it to challenge. Do you see the difference? Co you feel differently when you read these different definitions? What would you rather work on ...a problem? Or a challenge? Which of these two words has a negative connotation? Which of these two words stimulate you to work on the issue? What is the emotional difference that you experience between these two different words?
Pull out the Worksheet...
Let's do a little role playing here....
First, get a pad of paper and a pencil ready for the latter half of this exercise...Draw two lines down the page to divide it into three equal size columns. Or just print the PDF worksheet. (download here) Put it aside for now.
First, I would like you to close your eyes and search through the many things that you are doing. Those which you may be doing at work. At home. With others. Find ONE that you perceive as an obstruction. Perhaps it's something small, like the dog jumping on the furniture. Or maybe your partner's habit that is driving you crazy. Or a huge deadline that is looming over you and approaching like a freight train..and you are on the tracks seeing the headlight coming toward you. Ok...maybe that's a bit dramatic, but for some, that may not be too far-fetched. But pick one that occupies your mind right now...
Next, open your eyes and in the CENTER column write down a half dozen of the different issues and components that surround what you have selected. (Don't worry if you don't have six, but have at least a couple...).
Now that you have those issues outlined, write a sentence in the left column using : "The problem I have is...". Do it for each of the issues. Now cover those sentences. Then on the right column, write a sentence for each issue using: "The challenge I have is....".
Next Step....
Ok, I now want you to put on your hat that will make you impartial and intellectually honest with yourself. Ready? Ok ...let's go.
Go to your first issue. Read the sentence that describes that issue as a problem. Now STOP and think about how you feel when you read this. Are you lifted? Or demoralized by the statement. Do you feel that you want or can solve the "problem" or do you feel resolved to accept that problem?
Next, clear your emotions, and read the sentence that you created that describes the issue as a challenge. Again, STOP and think about how you feel. Is it the same as when you called the issue a problem? Or do you now look at the issue in a different manner? Do you feel resolved to accept the issue? Or do you now feel empowered to deal with the issue?
If you are like I am, I believe that you will find this simple little change in wording can make a dramatic difference in the way that you approach those issues and obstacles in your life. You can choose to look at them in a negative and passive manner ... or choose to approach them in a positive manner, where you are inspired to meet the challenge and move on.
How To Use this ThoughtCrafting Tool
We all fall into the trap of bad thinking. Of bad language. And it's all about creating a new habit. A POSITIVE habit that will replace your older, less optimal way of thinking. You need to create a "trigger" (use of this term is borrowed from Brendon Burchard) to help you identify when an old habit is occurring and immediately replace it with your desired, conscious positive habit.
For this ThoughtCrafting Tool, the trigger that I use is the word "problem". Over the years, I have programmed myself to dramatically reduce the use of the word "problem" in the context of when I have an issue that needs to be addressed. By catching myself, I can often replace the term "problem" with "challenge" before the "P" word is ever used. If it does slip out...I immediately correct myself by saying, "No, this isn't a PROBLEM that I am is a CHALLENGE."
It will take a while for you to make the change, but in time you will find it becomes habit.
Remember...learning to replace the "P" word with the "C" word isn't a's a Challenge.
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