ThoughtCrafting Friday Tool: The Worst Thing

fridaytool thoughtcraft tool worst thing Jul 24, 2016

This afternoon, I had a great conversation with a friend of mine, who thanked me for teaching his one of my most basic ThoughtCrafting tools. He said that he uses it daily and he has really found value in it.  
Let me quickly teach it here. It only takes a minute or two to learn.

Here is the background. Often our days can get derailed by minor items. Perhaps you drop some coffee onto your lap in the car. Maybe you slip on ice and fall, even hurting yourself somewhat. Maybe you lost your favorite earrings. Or your son comes home with a new earring.  Or you drop red wine on your new white carpet.

When this happens, your emotional brain may take over...sending you into a tailspin. One where your emotion overshadows everything else that you do for the day. It makes you angry. Or upset. It can sap your energy, or creativity. Regardless this event has taken charge of your life, even just temporarily. And it shouldn't.

But it can be hard to recognize when this happens. Unless you have a pre-learned way of recognizing it and dealing with it. A small "tool" that you can use to help you put things into perspective and regain control over your emotions. To move your thought processes from reflex or emotion to conscious thought.
In this do you do it?

Simple. Read this OUT LOUD, perhaps even several times. Then commit it to memory. And when you find that your emotions have been taken over by some event, say to yourself....


Yep....This little phrase, one of my first ThoughtCrafting Tools has an enormous amount of power. Power to put various emotional "take-overs" in perspective and help you move your thinking process from the emotional brain to the rational brain.   

Yes bad things can happen, but we have to keep them in perspective. And when we do that, we realize that in the greater scheme of things, most of the items that can send us into a negative emotional state...are really minor and can easily be minimized, provided that we THINK CONSCIOUSLY about them.

So what do you think? How would / do you use this tool? Share this with others, as well as sharing this group with others.

This tool is one of the basic ThoughtCrafting Tools that is part of many of the different ThoughtCrafting Programs.


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